Choose from our wide selection of accounts and services
to bank the way you want
Get more info and apply for all your essential banking needs here
Featured Savings Accounts
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A Savings Account that offers banking services at minimal cost.
Premier Savings Account
Start building a nest egg for your future with our Premier Savings Account
Campu BrightStar Savings Account
Campu BrightStar Children Savings Account is open to all children below 18 years old.
Featured Current Accounts
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Enjoy the use of a cheque book facility, a much safer and more convenient option to carrying large amounts of cash
ACE Account
Truly a smart account that offers you more!
Collection Account
Fund Transfer or Payment to participating Payee Corporations
Featured Fixed Deposit Accounts
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Offering attractive returns and a flexible tenure period, this is the safest investment option you can choose
eFixed Deposit Account
Secure Your Future with e-Fixed Deposit. Convenience at your finger tips
PB engage KH
Make your everyday banking easier